We have seen various posts and examples that demonstrate the benefits that Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology has when it comes to initial geometry creation or making fast flexible design changes. Some of these include:- Unified 2D & 3D Steering Wheel Live Rules PMI Dimensions Editing Imported Data However all of these examples focus on the […]
October 14th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | Comments Off on Making Synchronous Design Changes in an Assembly | ContinuedAll Posts Tagged With: "parametric design"
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Easy Design Changes with the Solid Edge Steering Wheel
The new Solid Edge Steering Wheel is a concept that allows you to very quickly and easily make dramatic modifications to your design. To highlight this point I would like to compare how we would modify a design using history based parametric techniques to the way we can now make similar and more advanced modifications […]
June 19th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | 1 comment | ContinuedWarning: Use of undefined constant post_thumbnail - assumed 'post_thumbnail' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/synchron/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/WP-MagTheme10-Prem/archive.php on line 138
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Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology Unifies 2D and 3D Commands
Following on from my post regarding the Siemens PLM announcement of Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology I wanted to create a series of informative posts that try to illustrate the differences between working in traditional Solid Edge (or any other history based CAD application) and Synchronous based Solid Edge. This post will show how to […]
June 6th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | 3 comments | Continued