The new Solid Edge Steering Wheel is a concept that allows you to very quickly and easily make dramatic modifications to your design. To highlight this point I would like to compare how we would modify a design using history based parametric techniques to the way we can now make similar and more advanced modifications […]
June 19th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | 1 comment | ContinuedAll Posts Tagged With: "Design Changes"
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Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology
Siemens PLM Software have now publicly announced the next greatly anticipated version of Solid Edge. This is not called V21 but is “Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology”. This new ground breaking technology is far too revolutionary to just be called Solid Edge V21. I have just completed my training on this new version and it […]
May 28th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | 10 comments | Continued