Archive for September, 2011
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Warning Solid Edge ST4 Could Damage Your Health
We've all seen the reviews and there is no doubt that Solid Edge ST4 is another impressive product release delivering new tools to help us develop better products faster. Those of us who have a software maintenance contract in place will have received a shiny shrink wrapped box containing Solid Edge ST4 from Siemens in […] September 27th, 2011 | Arthur Sexton | 2 comments | Continued
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Free Solid Edge For All Students
Recently Siemens announced that there was a renewed focus on the Solid Edge Educational program. There is now a real push to introduce many more schools, colleges and universities to the power and flexibility of Solid Edge In a bold move to support this, this week they announced that students can now get hold of […] September 2nd, 2011 | Jon Sutcliffe | Comments Off on Free Solid Edge For All Students | Continued