Archive for May, 2011
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Solid Edge ST4 – Second Preview
In this second Solid Edge ST4 preview we’ll look at the remaining enhancements that we can talk about prior to the official launch announcement when the embargo on all the big ticket items will be lifted. World Class Drafting We’ll start with the updates to the drafting environment. This will see a brand new faster […] May 24th, 2011 | Jon Sutcliffe | Comments Off on Solid Edge ST4 – Second Preview | Continued
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Solid Edge ST4 – First Preview
Earlier this week I had a meeting with Russell Brook, the product marketing manager for Solid Edge during which he ran me through the enhancements that are coming in Solid Edge ST4 which is due for release in July 2011. It looks like there is some fantastic new functionality coming your way across all areas […] May 18th, 2011 | Jon Sutcliffe | 1 comment | Continued