If you are a SolidWorks user it is probably one of many tools that you use to perform your job. Others might include design guides and standards, reference books, analysis software and most certainly Google to name just a few. We all have a “toolbox” containing our favourite tools but if you are like me […]
September 30th, 2008 | Arthur Sexton | Comments Off on SolidWorks and Synchronous Technology – Part One | ContinuedArchive for September, 2008
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Find Your CAD Parts in Seconds with Solid Edge and PartBrowser
Just recently I have been lucky enough to be exposed to some fantastic new product design technology. Of course we are at the dawn of a brand new and exciting CAD age with the birth of Synchronous Technology. However we have also been involved with a great new graphical search tool called PartBrowser which makes […]
September 16th, 2008 | Jon Sutcliffe | Comments Off on Find Your CAD Parts in Seconds with Solid Edge and PartBrowser | Continued