It seems that everyone wants to become a celebrity nowadays. Many think that being on TV is one way to achieve this. It’s difficult, and competition is fierce so by way of a helping hand here are some suggestions on ways to get on TV: Apply to be a guest on a top studio based […]
July 25th, 2008 | Arthur Sexton | Comments Off on How To Get On TV | ContinuedIndustry Comments
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Market Reaction to Synchronous Technology
We are seeing some very positive press and analyst coverage regarding Synchronous Technology. It seems that everyone is picking up on how Synchronous Technology should deliver a quantum leap in design efficiency and productivity. The video below is an interview with Dave Burdick from Collaborative Visions that took place at the 2008 Siemens Media and […]
June 19th, 2008 | Arthur Sexton | Comments Off on Market Reaction to Synchronous Technology | Continued