Feature Article #1
Re-use Multi CAD Data Easily
Synchronous Technology allows users to reuse data from other CAD systems without remodelling. Users can succeed in a multi-CAD environment with a fast, flexible system that enables them to edit other CAD system data faster than they can in the original system, regardless of the design methodology. A technique called ‘suggestive selection’ automatically infers the […]
Jon Sutcliffe | May 1st, 2008 | Continued

Feature Article #2
CAD So Easy Anyone Can Use It
Synchronous Technology provides a new user interaction experience that simplifies CAD and makes 3D as easy to use as 2D. The interaction paradigm merges historically independent 2D and 3D environments, providing the robustness of a mature 3D modeller with the ease of 2D. New inference technology automatically infers common constraints and executes typical commands based on […]
Jon Sutcliffe | May 1st, 2008 | Continued

Feature Article #3
Make Design Changes Fast
Synchronous Technology automates the implementation of planned or unplanned design changes to seconds versus hours thorough unparalleled ease of editing, regardless of design origination, with or without the presence of a history tree. The next release of Solid Edge due summer 2008 will include Synchronous Technology
Jon Sutcliffe | May 1st, 2008 | Continued

Feature Article #4
Capture Ideas Fast
Synchronous Technology captures ideas as fast as the user thinks them, with up to 100 times faster design experience. Designers can devote more time to innovation with new techniques that provide the efficiency of parametric dimension-driven modelling without the computational overhead of pre-planned dependencies. The technology defines optionally persistent dimensions, parameters and design rules at […]
Jon Sutcliffe | April 29th, 2008 | Continued