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Discover the truth – Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology now shipping

Posted By Jon Sutcliffe On Monday, 18 August, 2008 @ 3:45 pm In Existing CAD User, General, Solid Edge User | Comments Disabled

Like me you may have been following all the attention Synchronous Technology has received since its launch in May 2008. Comments and opinions have been made in various marketing medias by those that “get it” and those that don’t. Some of those that don’t have inferred that it is just hype, smoke and mirrors, technology that will never be released.

Life has taught me that you can only discover the truth from first hand experience.

I have worked with Solid Edge since it was first released in 1996 and many other 3D modelling systems both before and since then. Fortunately I have been able to use Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology extensively over the last few months. I know the truth about Synchronous Technology.

Now you too can discover the truth about Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology from your own first hand experience.

This highly anticipated, ground breaking release of Solid Edge is now available. The English language versions are now shipping.

Please complete our contact form [1] if you would like to learn more about the capabilities of this fantastic product or take advantage of the benefits this technology will bring you.

If you are one of the many hundreds of thousands of existing Solid Edge customers who have a valid Solid Edge Maintenance Agreement you should receive your English maintenance kits within a month from now. That’s a whole lot of shipping for Siemens to do.

The informative posts highlighting Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology capabilities will continue so keep an eye open for these. Alternatively consider subscribing to our feed [2] for automatic notification.

Article printed from Synchronous Technology: http://www.synchronoustechnology.net/blog

URL to article: http://www.synchronoustechnology.net/blog/56/discover-the-truth-solid-edge-with-synchronous-technology-now-shipping/

URLs in this post:

[1] contact form: http://www.synchronoustechnology.net/blog/how-to/contact-us/

[2] subscribing to our feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SynchronousTechnology

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